
2019 年の時点で、世界のエネルギー消費量は依然としてゆっくりと上昇しています。 0.6%. エネルギー効率の改善は一般的に鈍化していますが、良いニュースは、産業のエネルギー効率が焦点になりつつあるということです。エネルギー効率をビジネスの不可欠な部分にすることで、企業は温室効果ガスの排出量を削減するだけでなく、運用コストを削減するという大きな影響を与えることができます。
特に、電気の需要は常に増加しており、ビジネスの総エネルギー コストのかなりの部分を占めている可能性があります。より効率的な技術とプロセスを開発することは、エネルギー効率を達成するための最良の方法です。そのため、ハバジットでは、よりエネルギー効率の高いソリューションを提供するために技術を改善する方法を常に模索しています。

What are the benefits of energy efficiency?

  • Reduce energy costs
    Many industrial companies spend over 15% of their operating expenditure on energy. Yet what if instead you could increase profits 2-10% annually by saving energy? With smarter processes and products already available, it’s possible. For example, manufacturing plants can often reduce process-heating costs up to 15% by implementing energy-saving measures and best practices.
  • Impact your environment
    Greenhouse gas emission is one of the biggest culprits behind rising levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. Energy efficiency represents about 40% of the world’s greenhouse gas reduction potential. As part of that potential, improving your energy efficiency has tremendous capacity to boost economic growth and decrease your negative impact on the environment.
  • Boost brand competitiveness
  • Given the current economic situation, it’s more important than ever to improve competitiveness by cutting energy costs. Yet competitiveness is also about pulling in more revenue via brand preference. Customers increasingly choose suppliers and manufacturers that value sustainability and invest in industrial energy efficiency while reducing their costs. By focusing on energy efficiency, you gain a sincere reputation as an environmentally friendly company.

Identifying the most energy-efficient solution for your application

Habasit can support you throughout your process of evaluating and selecting energy-efficient solutions. With in-depth understanding of your application, our specialist will analyze your situation and make the calculations to find the best-fitting belt to deliver energy and cost savings.

Habasit supports customers across diverse industries in saving energy costs by:

  1. Creating awareness
  2. Offering energy saving products
  3. Providing technical support

Discover our solutions for energy saving

Habasit Eff-Line




Spindle tapes


