市場で最も幅の広いタイミング ベルト

同期搬送と正確な製品位置決めのために広い表面のベルトが必要な場合、ハバジットは適切なソリューションを提供します。当社の HabaSYNC ワイド タイミング ベルトは、最大 609 mm の幅で利用できます。 / 24インチで、メンテナンスのしやすさと確かな処理性能を実現。

ハバジットのワイド タイミング ベルトには、複数の TPU オプションが用意されています。この範囲は、優れた耐加水分解性を備えた食品グレードの TPU から、自動車産業向けの耐薬品性および耐摩耗性を向上させた TPU にまで及びます。あなたの要求が何であれ、私たちはそれを満たすことができます。

Belt features

Habasit’s TPU wide timing belts have a T10 or H pitch. Their 160 equally distributed aramid reinforcement cords strengthen the belt and prevent it from elongation.  

Different belts are available with resistance to oil, grease, chemical agents, and hydrolysis. Some types also fully comply with FDA/EU food guidelines. Their abrasion- and wear resistant properties increase the service life of the belt. Depending on your application needs, our HabaSYNC wide timing belts are also available with polyamide fabric on the tooth side, conveying side, or both.

Wide timing belts in the tire industry

When traditionally joined belts in tire building machines need replacing, it can take up to 8 hours, and as many as 6 operators only for disassembling and assembling jobs on the machine, resulting in high costs and lost productivity. No wonder HabaSYNC wide timing belts are a popular solution for many tire manufacturers operating in tough conditions and under permanent pressure to meet high productivity targets. 

By combining the belt with our patented and thoroughly tested PA hinge joint, they can reduce downtime for replacement even further: to less than an hour with only two operators.


