Champions in the textile industry

Habasit has been setting the benchmark for spindle tapes for decades, and today our spindle tapes are used in the textile industry all around the world. Drawing on our extensive range, you can find the most suitable spindle tape for your specific application, no matter how demanding.

Our polyamide and polyester spindle tapes offer a long service life and cost savings. By preventing fiber accumulation, cleaning is no longer necessary and production is uninterrupted. Moreover, Habasit tapes provide constant spindle speed and uniform yarn quality.

Spindle Tapes

Polyamide spindle tapes

Habasit’s polyamide TS and HS spindle tapes have been the market leaders for ring spinning applications for almost 50 years. By working closely with major machine manufacturers, we have ensured continuous improvements that keep these products up to speed with the latest industry requirements.

Main features:

  • Constant spindle speed and yarn quality
  • Robust and reliable
  • High abrasion resistance of belt surfaces
  • Long service life
  • Good price/value ratio
  • No fiber accumulation, no cleaning

Polyester spindle tapes

Habasit W spindle tapes were developed in intensive cooperation with leading machine manufacturers and end users with bases in Switzerland, Japan, China, and India. The tapes can handle spindle speeds over 24,000 rpm, with no fiber fly accumulation, and a long and reliable service life. 

Main features:

  • Constant spindle speed and yarn quality
  • No fiber accumulation, no cleaning
  • Minimized speed loss during spindle stop
  • Fast running-up time after spindle stop
  • High abrasion resistance of belt surfaces
  • Low energy consumption
  • Long service life
  • Simple and fast to join (adhesive-free Flexproof method)

Energy efficient W-8 spindle tape

As saving energy becomes increasingly important due to high-speed operations in textile, Habasit offers the highly efficient Habasit polyester W-8 spindle tape that saves 5 to 8% energy and costs. The worldwide best-known Habasit spindle tape is designed for the economic application on spinning and twisting machines.

Main features:

  • High tape flexibility
  • Constant high friction
  • No fiber and fluff accumulation
  • Dimensional stability, no elongation

Energy-efficient DS-8 spindle tape

The polyester spindle tape DS-8 of Habasit has a low bending resistance that saves up to 8 % of ring frame motor energy consumption, leading to savings of up to 1 USD per spindle and year. It is particularly suitable as a driving belt for medium- and high-end spinning machines with spindle speeds above 18,000 rpm.

Main features:

  • High tape flexibility
  • Constant high friction
  • Minimal speed (rpm) loss during spindle stop
  • No fiber and fluff accumulation
  • Dimensional stability, no elongation
  • Adhesive-free joining system

Browse the wide selection of Habasit belts, accessories and conveyor components